Friday 18 January 2008


'Catwomen are not contained by the rules of society, you follow you own desires'
Despite the film being women-liberating, Catwoman ultimately appears for the 'male gaze' subject to her clothing, makeup, whip and the actress which fundamentally fulfils the male audiences sexual desires.

To what extent does Catwoman objectify women, regardless of the narrative representing a women with 'fierce independance'? With explicit reference to the superhereo genre.


Despite the film representing women with 'fierce independance' Catwoman ultimately appears for the 'male gaze' subject to her clothing, makeup, whip and the actress which fundamentally fulfils the male audiences sexual desires.

How are women represented within the superhero genre and how does ‘Catwomen’ typify the audience’s expectations?

1 comment:

Miss Jones said...

A good start,but your thesis needs to be broader. Come up with a thesis to do with the representation of women in the superhero genre, and how 'Catwoman' does (or doesn't) subvert expectations. And 'women-liberating' is far too vague. What on earth does it mean for a text to be 'women-liberating'?